

It had come to this. I wanted to believe that Antonio’s sudden change in disposition was genuine. That he finally understood what I was trying to accomplish. But it turned out he was simply biding his time, waiting for the appropriate moment to effect his plan.

Kayla was beginning to master her hunger, which was very impressive considering that Elizabeth was either unable or unwilling to do the same. I had not experienced any emotion I could identify as love for a long time but our relationship was deepening and becoming more than just a catalyst for my change.

It is said that when all your stars seem to be aligned you should be most vigilant. In retrospect I should have been more circumspect then. On the morning that it all changed something in my spirit was troubled. Antonio was now more adept at masking his feelings from me still there was a foreboding, which I dismissed.

I had asked Kayla to accompany me into town but she, had not fed a voraciously as was her custom and as a result, was unwell. As was my custom, I left Antonio in charge of the estates affairs and made the three-hour journey to the capital. She assured me she would be better after some rest and I decided I would finish my affairs as soon as was possible to ensure that tonight she sated her hunger. I should never have left.

As I met with trade liaisons in the capital I was overwhelmed by two emotions, Kayla’s fear and Antonio’s joy. Unspeakable images flashed before my mind’s eye and then there was darkness. I made haste with my apologies and my exit as hurried back to the estate using my supernatural speed as soon as I entered the forested areas that bordered my property. It was already nightfall, and I could see clear up the hardened dirt path leading to the front door of the main house. The door was ajar and light danced on the inside.

I could hear the voices conspiring. They belonged to Antonio’s minions, Rebecca and Bernadine. They spoke of murder. One already committed, the other they still plotted. I was at the door in an instant, but I had smelled the blood long before. It was Kayla’s. My fangs lengthened as I fought to control the rage and bloodlust that threatened to overpower my senses. Bernadine was hunched over Kayla’s limp body with her back to me. Rebecca bloodied and ablaze, faced me as I entered. She lunged at me, a frenzied, murderous ball of fire, but she was not match. As fast as she approached, she appeared to be moving almost backwards to me. I sidestepped her attack and grabbed a handful of hair jerking her head back violently. Still turning, I used my free hand and ripped the cartilage and bone of her neck out, before separating her head from her body. She hadn’t made a sound and now Bernadine faced me. With me eyes fixed on her, I retracted my fangs and spoke.

“You have decided your own fate.” I said looking at Kayla’s lifeless remains, which like Rebecca’s had become unrecognizable tissue. She hissed at me.

“Why?” I asked simply.

“The rightful leader will take his place.” She said smiling.

“Not before you take yours.” I said simply, attacking her with blinding speed. Like Rebecca she was no match for me and moments later I knelt beside Kayla’s remains and shed tears, for the first time in more than a century. There was no bringing her back.

That night there was a silence that I have never experienced and I could not sense the others of my kind. But they were out there and I would have my retribution.

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