
The Divide

Thomas and Phillip were plenty busy in my absence. Thomas had split the property into two parts to focus on poultry farming and aqua farming. The land was, once more, generating significant income and providing jobs, but as walked past happy workers I could sense that Phillip was not close.
Thomas approached Sophie and I and removed his cap, ceremoniously wiping away non-existent perspiration. He smiled broadly and a few familiar faces just beyond him stopped their work and nodded smiling in our direction. He hugged me and Sophie in turn and I could sense a comfort in him that was enviable.
“Welcome back.” He said, standing back with a slight bow.
“Thank you.” I said, feeling a bit uneasy.
“Things seem well!” Sophie said with some cynicism.
“They are.” Thomas said humbly. “Come, let me show you what we have done.”
It was fascinating seeing how they had transformed the land and how many were employed to look after the Tilapia and shrimp farming as well as the chickens. More remarkable was the absence of fear.
One of their own who I had turned, had done right by them and I no longer felt that the estate belonged to me.
“You’ve done a remarkable job.” I said with some pride and regret.
“I’m happy that you are pleased.” He said eagerly as Sophie looked off into the distance.
“Where is Philip?” She asked devoid of emotion.
“I’m surprise you don’t know.” He said with a little smile. “Phillip moved into the city. He was appointed Minister of National Security by the government.”
Sophie smiled and I knew there was no coincidence that one of us now responsible for stopping the blood that flowed in this nation’s streets…



I have been away with Sophie and we have done things that I prefer not to record. I left Thomas and Phillip in charge of our order and I have stayed away longer than I had planned. It was invigorating being away, initially. Walking among those I did not know as well as those on the island. They had their own stories of course, hopes, dreams, desire for a better life. But I was not invested in them the way that I was with those that I felt a kinship with in Trinidad.
Sophie was very adept at pointing out their weaknesses, the evil they were capable of and so I fed and she reveled in my embrace of my dark nature and hers. But I could only ignore what I felt was my ultimate responsibility for so long.
           We returned without any fore warning and perhaps should not have been surprised that the place which I considered, more than any, to be home seemed a more cynical place now. Newspaper headlines seemed focused on senseless crimes and corruption and I became gravely concerned with what my apprentices were doing in my absence…