

We reminded each other of pain, Ngozi and I. I played the role of protector, but my kind, my blood represented most of what she needed protection from. Weeks passed without incident as an uneasy peace between covens persisted. The mood on the estate was no different. Ngozi was broken since our last conversation. She kept to herself, refusing food and rest. There was little conversation between us and when she did speak, she seemed more comfortable doing so with Louis.
Richard had called once to speak with his mother and after the call she had wept and withdrawn even further. I did not ask what was said or how either of them was coping, it seemed selfish and cruel.
Following my actions in St. James we became active watchers, each of the others coven. Winston seemed to be considering his next move carefully, which suited me fine because I had demonstrated what I was capable of and what I would will myself to do.
Ngozi was giving up though, she seemed to age years in a matter of weeks and I knew even with my blood coursing through her veins she was one of us…death was not far off. She was doing her best to remove my motivation to shed more blood. I however, had seen what we would do if we were not tempered by some sought of human compassion so I was now motivated to protect not just Ngozi now but others like her.
It was a warm still night when I sat outside with Louis discussing my concerns about Ngozi. I could sense the presence of others beyond those who secured our perimeter and then I felt another presence, a familiar presence. This entity would be nearly undetectable if it were not of my blood. Then, those watching us decreased in number.
Shortly after, a figure approached from the far north side of the property and as they cleared a path for him I recognized who it was. It was Richard and his hands were covered with blood…


What have you done Nicholas?

Nothing I had done before would have given Winston any indication that I was willing, perhaps even capable, of such deliberate and sudden savagery. It gave him pause. This is not a fight he wanted. It was the reason he came to me, why he was trying to gain subtle control. He knew I wasn’t invested in leading a coven, certainly not one the size of what ours was be combined, He figured I would happily endorse another if thought they were right to lead and if I would be left alone. Most of this was true, but I also formed a close relationship with mortals which complicated my motivations.
Ngozi knew something of the depth of darkness within me. She had seen a glimpse of it all those years ago when I took a life to save her own. She had never forgotten what she had seen and how unnerved she had been to be in the presence of such extraordinary evil. She was savagely attacked and violated and still managed to look more horrified by what I had done to her attacker…I was the monster and I had become that monster again tonight.
When I got back to the estate the specter of death hung over me. By the looks I got, everyone knew that I had done something to protect us. They looked calm, proud almost, everyone that is but Ngozi. I walked past members of my coven who bowed slightly and cleared a path to Ngozi and Louis, who were seated just outside the study. Louis stood up an approached me, whispering to me the concerns expressed by Ngozi. I looked into his eyes and saw an almost instant recognition of what I had done. He nodded and left me alone to talk to Ngozi. I sat next to her and heard her take a deep breath.
“What have you done Nicholas?” She asked softly.
“Something I should have done a longtime ago.” I answered. “And it means I have effectively ended things or I have started a war.”
“Oh God Nicholas, what have you done?” She said, this time even softer as she buried her head in her hands to shield her tears. I looked at her silently even as I felt the presence of others circling the estate…


My Dark Responsibility

Winston’s words echoed through my consciousness. None of this new breed had seen anything of my strength or wrath. There’s a strange comfort that develops with ignorance and underestimating your enemies. Winston’s visit was an olive branch of sorts. He still held out hope that I would return and work with him…for him. I felt that he still had mostly affection for me, but the threat was also thinly veiled. My blood would be shed as a last resort. He would try.
I left Ngozi in Louis’ care. I had a message of my own to send. As I headed downtown I knew they would find me. Winston, like Malcolm before him, embraced the organizational principles used by lion prides. The women did the hunting. For practical purposes it was always easier for them to bring company back to the coven. Even those women who were invariably driven into a state of frenzied hysteria by their thirst would take victims back to the coven.
When I got out of the second taxi, in the heart of St. James, there was misty rain blowing in from the Gulf of Paria. It was a little after midnight, but this stretch of bars, nightclubs and strip clubs is referred to by locals and visitors alike as the city that never sleeps.
St. James is unpretentious which is why all sections of society feel comfortable having a drink and looking for illicit distractions here after hours. It is popular amongst soucouyants looking for a late night bite. Members of my coven were cautioned to stay away from downtown tonight. I needed time to work.
I could feel their eyes on me and when I was certain of their intent I walked down a dark alley. The rain was coming down in sheets now and I was grateful for the additional cover for what was to follow. I looked up at the closed windows of the residences over some of the businesses, we weren’t being watched. They were close enough for me to smell their perfume now. I stopped with my back still turned and the one closest to me spoke.
“Looking for some company?” She asked seductively.
“I am.” I said evenly turning to face them. I recognized the faces instantly they belonged to Winston. There revealing clothes clung to their wet skin and I felt a stirring deep within, mixed with my blood lust. There was a flash of lightening and a moment of recognition followed like thunder. The smile on the face of the one closest to me disappeared and her jaw slackened.
“I know you…you are-” The sharpened reinforced steel opened her neck and she reached for her throat with both hands, still trying to say my name. The other two moved with blinding speed, approaching from opposite sides. They were outmatched from the start. The beginnings of a crazed scream left their lips, before their heads left their bodies and then I fed. I fed on their bodies in the crazed frenzy that my thirst has always demanded. Their blood tasted like the blood of mortals, like those that they fed on…it was intoxicating. I lost sense of time and when I looked up I saw other figures staring calmly from the entrance to the alley. They were to calm, or perhaps they were frozen by fear. But I knew better, they were from Winston’s coven. I bared my fangs as the downpour washed the blood from my hands.
“Go!” I said. “And tell him this is my answer!”