
The Makings of War

I remember the beginnings of this tumultuous time as if it were a yesterday from my mortal days. It had been months since Ngozi had seen me, but I was keeping distant watch over her. We were bonded by blood, so even before she showed up at our coven I sensed the sorrow in her. I can only suspect that covens and other extraordinary sects are only able to survive, to remain hidden, by the success of their business interests. Winston’s coven and ours was no different. I was balance the books of our businesses when Louis knocked on the door to my study.
“Please.” I said evenly. “Send her in.” Save for the light from a solitary desk lamp, my office space was in complete shadow. She entered quietly and her sent and sadness seemed to fill the room. She stood still before the empty chair facing me, breathing shallowly.
“It’s good to see you Ngozi. Please, sit.”
When she sat I could see her reddened eyes and puffy face. Still, she was silent, avoiding my eyes.
“I know you are troubled. What is it?” I asked gently.
“I’ve always cared for you Nicholas.” She began slowly. “But I’ve also blamed you for some things. Most of all Richard. But it’s no excuse for how I’ve treated you recently.”
“You never have to apologize to me Ngozi. I have brought unusual troubles to your life.”
“Perhaps, but you have also shown me kindness. I am sorry Nicholas and now I feel like I’ve played a role in a far greater tragedy.” She paused as tears rolled off her cheeks and fell on her hands.
“My son’s wife. My son’s wife and child are dead...they killed them.” Her face was now in her hands, as her body shook with another wave of tears and I soon realized that I was cradling her in my arms muttering no in disbelief…

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