

I was still open to Eli’s counsel although I had not seen him since Louis found me. In many ways Louis had taken his place. With Louis’ military background and intimate knowledge of Antonio’s nest we sought to turn experience and insight to our advantage. I listened to Louis recount all that had happened while I was trying to start over in the Caribbean.

La Safer left him to discover his affliction alone for nearly a century before he saw him again. No longer human and unable to control the source of his supernatural existence, Louis struggled with his blood lust until La Safer returned and revealed the power of his abilities and the privileged place he now held over humanity. Not before long though, he grew tired of the deceit and cruelty of his new father and found ways to distance himself from La Safer’s methods.

As I listened to Louis I was grateful that I had found true allies. I also felt a deep sense of regret and remorse for their existence because I felt, in some way, I played a role in them being made into what I am. Whether or not La Safer could, himself put an end to our existence as he had often implied he seemed to enjoy having others do his bidding and in this trait I saw both his strength and vulnerability. I thought of the fact that some could not be turned into what we had become, that in some way we were all complacent in our desires to be more than we were entitled to be. We could feed on most anyone that we desired but in the process of glamouring them if they did not extend an invitation to us, our abilities were not as effective.

Slowly I understood why some could not be made why in the process of trying to make some in our own image death was the outcome. What we saw as a sign of their inferiority and weakness was in fact quite the opposite. These individuals had desired nothing more than to be human and this, in of itself, was a strength.

As Elizabeth eagerly questioned Louis my almost physical epiphany continued. Much of La Safer’s power lay in our belief that there were no limits to his abilities, but I was more certain now that much like us he had limits and a very possible end. A smile teased the corners of my mouth and the comforting sound of their conversation ceased.

“You seem strangely at ease?” Elizabeth asked with a puzzled look on her face.

“How do you feel?” I asked, smiling now at both of them.

“What?” Louis asked.

“Both of you. How do you feel?”

“Tired.” Elizabeth responded with undisguised irritation. “Angry, ready to be free of this.”

“What is this about Nicholas?” Louis asked with some concern on his face.

“Listen.” I began raising my hands to calm them. “You’re both tired, angry and frustrated with our predicament I’m sure. But there is no longer that fear of what is going to happen to us.”

Elizabeth’s eyes widened as I continued because she had not given any thought to the now absent fear that had become her constant companion.

“I can’t explain how I know for certain, but I am sure that we hold a considerable advantage in this impending confrontation with La Safer and Antonio. Their gravest error is underestimating our abilities.” I stood up and looked into their eyes in turn. “We head out at dawn. Tomorrow we return with Sophie and Victoria, so rest well. Much blood will be shed.”

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