

I felt the feral, supernatural energy coursing through every fiber of my being. The weapons I carried became extensions of my body. Elizabeth and Louis both agreed that they would not expect us to attack at dawn, in daylight. They would not be defenseless, but our kind was at the peak of their powers at night. As I gave more of myself to my dark nature, I sensed every one of my kind behind the walls of Antonio’s sanctuary.

I doubled my steps quietly as I approached the large door carved from oak that was only dwarfed by two large pillars. I stopped just before the door and hit it with an open palm, which rocked it violently off its hinges. The door fell in a cloud of dust and I felt Elizabeth and Louis enter on either side of me, beheading two vampires on their way to the other rooms on the ground level. Three of them were on me, moving like mortals who still had not understood their new nature. I easily avoided their attacks moving like the wind to their rare. As they turned the first two met the business ends of the short swords, extended from each of my hands. As there heads hit the floor with a sickening thud, I looked for a moment at the clean cut through skin, bone and cartilage that had ended their existence. The last of my attackers hesitated for far too long and as he took a calming breath his head joined those of his comrades.

Blood dripped from my blades and pumped from splayed arteries, soaking into the parched floor. Elizabeth and Louis rejoined me soaked in the same sticky liquid, their fangs bared as a measure of their intent. At the top of the wide staircase, which began with a gentle curve, stood Antonio calm and regally attired. He held a long blade to Sophie’s throat. Others, who seemed to await his command, stood between us. They were all female. Antonio sliced into Sophie’s throat and licked the blood off his blade. I felt four arms struggle against my body as I tried to move forward. Antonio looked into my eyes and smiled.

“Very wise.” He said pressing his blade against her fresh wound.

“Where is Victoria?” I asked trying to hide my concern.

His laugh echoed through the halls.

“I do see why father favors you. For a time I too loved you, after all you have given me the greatest gift. But you are in no position to demand anything anymore.”

I looked at my comrades and nodded. They released my arms and I returned my blades to their sheaths. I walked slowly forward with my empty palms facing Antonio.

“You are right of course.” I said fixing my gaze on Sophie, which seemed to calm her somewhat. “So I only ask what you would have me do now?”

“Stop!” He commanded with one step separating us. I smiled at Sophie before returning my full attention to Antonio. As I looked into his eyes I could hear the rhythm of his supernatural heart and when I spoke again it was as lyrics to his internal song.

“You no longer require the services of your soucouyants.”

“No.” He answered with a smile. “I no longer require your services. Return to your quarters.” He concluded with a wave of his hand. They hissed at me as they retreated behind him. When they were gone I continued.

“May I speak with Sophie?”

“Of course.” He replied his serene smile fixed.

“Sophie, my love, are you well?”

“Yes.” She said simply, seemingly unable to say any more.

“Good.” I said evenly.

“Antonio you look tired let me take Sophie from you.”

“Thank you.” He said releasing her from his grip. As she stepped behind me I raised a short sword at my side and brought it up in a smooth arc.

“Good bye my friend.” I said as his severed head rolled down the steps.

I felt more emotion at this moment than I thought I would. It felt as if cold steel was plunged into my side and twisted. I looked down to see blood dripping from my side and turned to see Louis and Elizabeth surrounded by others from the coven and Sophie with a bloodied blade in her hand. The room swirled and before the darkness engulfed me I heard a voice say.

“Sorry my love, I’m not quite who you think I am.”

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