
A light in the Dark

I followed this old, mystical, protector of the forest deep into his territory until I felt the presence of more than just the creatures of the forest. He stopped at a dry clearing and looking around I realized that it had the feel of a large room sheltered by leaves and bordered by trees. The air was cool and comfortable when he turned to me and spoke.

“Your body still functions like that of a mortal. More efficiently, but still…” He smiled. “Have you noticed that if you respect the natural law how much easier things become?” He asked.

I smiled, because I had found that things were easier for me when I fought my dark nature to do what was right…what was humane.

A look of concern crossed his face as seemed to be considering what he was about to say very carefully.

“There is someone you should meet.” He paused. “Trust your instincts and your senses.” He said.

It always made me uncomfortable when I felt I was being told what I should do and how I should feel, even if it was genuinely sound advice. There was movement behind him, and while the figure was still in shadow there was a familiar scent and sense in the air. I tensed up remembering when last I had this sense and how badly things had gone.

As the filtered moonlight illuminated her delicate features something deep within me ached. I tried to tell myself, as I had before, that she was not who she seemed to be. Maybe Papa Bois was not a friend.

He stepped aside as she approached me cautiously. She did not smile and I could feel myself relax a little.

I put a hand up and she stopped.

“You are not Sophie.” I said evenly.

She looked genuinely sad, or was it hurt?

“I am more Sophie than anyone or anything else.” She began. “I was given something of her. Told to become her to distract you, to trap you…but her love for you is strong and I guess her will to be her is stronger than my conviction for mischief and evil. I know I’m not Sophie, but she now lives in me and she wants to help you. I want to help you.”

She even sounded like Sophie. If this was a trick, then this would be how it ends with me on my knees being cradled by a demon more comfortable existing as my dead wife…

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