

Two short weeks. This was all the time required to shift the balance in our world and Winston was the holding sway over the pendulum. Fourteen days. This can seem like seconds in our protracted existence and may account for the distance between what my young apprentice was doing to Marcus’ coven and the consequences for these actions. I knew however, that this apparent lapse judgment would be addressed presently.
As Winston’s maker I was responsible for him and his instruction, for a time, but he had exceeded both my direction and expectations. It may seem counter intuitive to suggest that someone who is not quite alive harbors a death wish. But is it odd for a harbinger of death to be obsessed with it? In any event Winston was unconcerned with a second death. When I expressed my concern for his ‘second life’ he simply stated. “How many times can they kill me Nicholas? How many deaths can I truly suffer?” I felt that he already understood that there were things far worse than a simple death.
He had one goal, to destroy as many of Marcus’ clan as possible. What’s more is that he fully expected, and was actively courting, the reckoning that was the certain end to his efforts.
Marcus was tired of my ambivalence towards him and our kind and beyond incensed by the bold actions of my underling. He had no problems now thinking himself the rightfully leader of all soucouyants on the island. Which is why when we were delivered a hand written note to meet with Marcus the tone was more demand than request. Expected. He would see us all tonight. He expected us there period, and there was no need to guess at the consequence if we didn’t comply. Our move. The fight that Winston took to them had finally made its way back to us and I was prepared for the battle and more loss…

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